I thought I would touch on the day of silence that we had as we walked out of Santo Domingo and into Belorado. Some of us were a bit apprehensive going into the day knowing that we would not be allowed to talk to each other because we are naturally a pretty social group and we get along really well with each other. However, I was really looking forward to the day of silence and saw it as a good time to just think and let my mind go wherever it wanted to go without trying to maintain conversation.
We started the day off as a group of silent walkers, but slowly we started separating ourselves into smaller groups. I even found myself walking alone most of the day. I actually really enjoyed it! I went at my own pace, which was pretty fast that day, and I just got to process the fact that I am walking a trail that so many others before me have. I am literally walking in their footsteps. It´s just an incredible experience. This revelation along with the songs that are always going through my head as the other peregrinas will atest to, I entertained myself the whole way. The trail was pretty easy and before I even knew it I was at our next stopping point.
From what I heard from the other peregrinas, most everyone enjoyed the time to think and process during the day of silence. We hardly have time to think in modern society where we are constantly being bombarded with social media, the latest news stories from around the world and what the Kardashians are up to. On the Camino, all of that fades away and we can find out how our minds work again without all of the distractions.
We have had a couple of days since our day of silence and I find that I am still having some amazing new thoughts. I´m learning so much about myself, and contemplating ideas that I never would have thought of before walking all of this way. We are currently in Burgos which is only about a third of the way to Santiago. I can´t even imagine what all I will learn by the time I come home!
I´m excited to walk again tomorrow after a good rest day full of exploring and chocolate soup! (Yes, it´s everything you´ve dreamed of)